Best Methodology for Mobile App Development

5 min readOct 16, 2020


Mobile app development services are continuously growing in popularity, so the competition is ramping up as well. Here we couldn’t but think of the backstage of a mobile app building as the most crucial aspect. The success rate of an app development project can be enhanced by using a methodology that will correlate to the specific requirements of the project. Thick and fast, many mobile app development methodologies have been created. Choosing the one isn’t that easy.

Let’s take a look at the most popular methodologies and examine the pros and cons of each of them.

What is Agile?

Mobile apps tend to have a shorter development life cycle, frequent updates and alterations. App development companies concentrate on delivering the best possible solutions in a short time.

The Agile methodology comes as a proven and efficient tool for mobile app development, and it’s often contrasted with the Waterfall approach. It’s more flexible, budget-oriented, and scalable compared to other methods.


Agile is an iterative mobile app development methodology where the development process is split up into cycles and the whole project is divided into subtasks considered as individual units. Since Agile is adaptive, it helps to build seamless, light-weight, and fast apps. Being stable, such mobile apps contain fewer errors, thereby boosting up quality.

Why Agile?

  • responsive to new features and fast-changing tech trends,
  • faster-to-market reach since testing is done simultaneously,
  • fast collection of users’ feedback.


  • difficult to estimate the deliverables,
  • working code over official documentation,
  • frequent changes may make the project fall off rails.

Reasons for Using Agile

According to the Agile Manifesto, Agile app development methodology comes as an effective solution for a software business as it ensures well-established channels of communication, which makes a mobile app development process smooth and tuned.

The current state of Agile and the expectations can be tracked here:

Source: KPMG

The State of Agile’s 14th report of 2020 explored the implementation of agile practices worldwide and the reasons for adopting it. Here are the outcomes:

  • 95% of respondents prove their companies practice Agile development methodologies,
  • areas of Agile adoption: software development (37%), IT (26%), operations (12%), marketing (7%), HR (6%), and Sales (5%),
  • 81% of respondents report their company has co-located Agile teams,
  • accelerating software delivery (71%), enhancing the ability to manage changing priorities (63%), and productivity increase (51%) stay the top reasons for adopting Agile.

The tendency of adopting agile in software development from 2015 to 2018 can be also seen in the survey by Statista:

Source: Statista

Most Commonly Used Agile Methodologies

The KPMG report says that 84% of respondents use either Scrum or Kanban in their companies.

Source: KPMG


Scrum methodology is widely used to manage complex product development. Being flexible, iterative, and incremental, it’s focusing on providing the top-notch values within a short time.

Wrestling with tough deadlines ceases to exist as an issue once you use Scrum. With the introduction of “sprints” (short periods consecrated to mobile app development steps), Scrum’s first steps are about identifying the product backlog.

As far as mobile app development comes, Scum hands out tasks and roles in a way that all employees get just about the same workload.


Why Scrum?

  • required data generation,
  • better project’s visibility,
  • ability to manage changing priorities.


  • project failure in case the members are uncooperative or inexperienced,
  • bugs are traced after the sprint,
  • not suitable for a complex environment.


Kanban methodology is another best resource and time management practices in building a mobile app. One of its main features is using visual cues to help developers be kept on tasks.

Source: aktiasolutions

Kanban is directed at providing a smooth workflow, thus improving operational efficiency. It’s also a nice tool to adapt to rapid technological changes, which are of its biggest upsides.

Thanks to its nature, Kanban is delivering all-layers control among the employees so that all of them stay motivated. Another point to consider is the downtime. Using Kanban, it’s easy to track whether the tasks are done within JIT (Just in Time) strategy so far ensuring realistic deadlines. It also aids to specify the hindrances in the app development process and solve them promptly.

Why Kanban?

  • flexible and traceable working process,
  • responsive to demand,
  • time-efficient.


  • risk of the Kanban’s board overcomplication,
  • long deliver time and changeovers,
  • lack of timing.


Scrumban is a mixed agile technology comprising the Scrum’s structure and Kanban’s flow-based methods. Boosting universality and adaptability, it also saves time on planning, thus focusing more on quality control. Scrumban has flow graphs and inter-process buffers to show all the flaws and upsides of the process.

Source: kanbanize

Scrumban’s work iterations are short and measured in weeks. That makes it easier for a team to change something or adapt to the constantly developing environment without the feeling of being overburdened.

Besides, the hybrid can be used as a stepping stone for the teams that are looking for a transition from Scrum to Kanban.

Why Scrumban?

  • iterations at regular intervals synchronized with retrospectives,
  • prioritization on demand,
  • minimizing waste.


  • no daily meetings for showing progress,
  • no track of individual team member contribution,
  • limited response to changes since the project deadline is coming.

In the digital age, as a way to compete in the complex, ever-changing world, the majority of mobile app development companies are on their path of adapting one of the above-mentioned approaches. If you are interested in reading more articles about mobile application development then feel free to follow this site.

